Reset Your Spinal Health for the New Year Ahead!

With 2021 just around the corner, many people are taking stock of their overall health and seeking ways to improve it – which we are excited to help you with at Willoughby Family Chiropractic! Whether struggling with posture issues due to a stationary work environment where you find yourself sitting

Why Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care Go Hand-in-Hand

As a Chiropractor at Willoughby Family Chiropractic in Langley, it is my passion to help serve patients in the Lower Mainland and throughout the Fraser Valley. Along with my chiropractic care, our office also offers the added benefits of our RMT professionals, delivering massages that range from therapeutic to relaxing

Movement Matters for Your Spine & Overall Wellbeing

As we all begin to emerge from our homes and re-engage in various activities within our communities, thanks to eased Covid-19 restrictions, you may find your body is a little more rigid than before, which I want to help you address. Whether you are seeking a chiropractic treatment in Langley