Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy – Sciatica Stretches & Hip Pain

As a Chiropractor in Langley, I encourage chiropractic care throughout pregnancy for my patients, helping expecting mothers to care for their health safely through whole-body wellness.

For many pregnant women, lower back pain and hip discomfort is a common reality, but relief for such aches and pains can be found. In addition, the often crippling reality of sciatica can be treated, helping relieve one of the most common pregnancy pains.

Sciatica Explained

Sciatica is nerve pain caused by the sciatic nerve, causing a sharp discomfort – often to the point of not being able to move. Some causes of sciatica are ruptured discs, but many pregnant women experience temporary sciatica due to the pregnancy itself, which can be relieved through our chiropractic care here in Langley.

Chiropractic Treatments & Pregnancy Safety

Maintaining the health of your spinal column, while keeping your joints aligned, will play a pivotal role in your comfort throughout your pregnancy, and it doesn’t have to involve drugs or medical surgery either.

Rather, you can reduce spinal nerve stress and enhance the health of your body through chiropractic care, with all the added safety and precautions in place to ensure your pregnancy is not at risk.

Although my area of specialty are sports injuries, this doesn’t stray from those suffering from similar sciatica pain or hip concerns. Not only is immediate chiropractic care available to help reduce or eliminate your pain, but there are also many stretches and other safe adjustments to attend to these issues during your pre-natal care.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

As your baby grows, so too does your belly – shifting your centre of gravity and adding weight and pressure to your spine while altering your posture.

Regular visits to Willoughby Family Chiropractic Clinic during your pregnancy can address these issues, re-establishing balance to your spine and pelvis, offering pain relief for you back, neck, hips and joints, relieve nausea, and make you and your growing baby feel comfortable and at ease throughout your pregnancy.

Creating life deserves the utmost of care, and I am here to help provide that for your during your pregnancy. Feel free to book your appointment here at any time to see how I can help!


Dr. Mitch Spooner