Whole-body care involves developing habits to make sure your physical, mental, and even spiritual parts of your being have positive influences on one another. And at Willoughby Family Chiropractic and Massage Therapy, we provide 3 distinct whole-body care treatments that we believe are well-worth investing in. Check them out!
1. Chiropractic Care in Langley
As mentioned on our chiropractic care services page…
Chiropractors are specialists in manual adjustments of the vertebrae of the spine and other joints of the body. When an adjustment is administered it helps to restore normal functioning to the joints and supporting muscles and ligaments.
This can help in a variety of ways, including minimizing the effects of stress, maximizing physical abilities within sports or general activities, and offering patients a feeling of being – literally – well adjusted.
2. Langley Massage Therapy
There is a long-list of conditions that can be positively treated through massage therapy, which include:
- Pregnancy related issues (sciatica, breathing issues, stress reduction)
- Female health
- Digestive complaints such as constipation
- Scar treatment (surgical, post mastectomy)
- Low back pain
- Neck and Shoulder pain
- Headaches and Migraines, including TMJD
- Nerve conditions such as carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatica
- Motor vehicle accident related injuries; whiplash
- Stress relief
- Sprains/strains
- Frozen shoulder
- Chronic work related or postural pain
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Sports injuries
Once again, massage therapy can also reduce the symptoms of stress, as well as provide fluid mobility to ensure you can get out and do the activities you love.
3. Vancouver Custom Orthotics
Willoughby Chiropractic has also partnered with www.kiwiorthoticservices.com in order to help our patients bring balance to their lives, and address an incredibly important whole-body health aspect; feet.
- Enhanced Foot Support
- Alleviation of Foot Conditions
- Increased Performance

Muscleandfitness.com also adds in these 25 wellness hacks to get the most out of your body, providing healthy lifestyle habits to add years of optimal living (not just life) to your human experience. Some of which include:
- Meditation
- Naps
- Flossing
- Probiotics
- Sweating
- Skincare
- Sunglasses
- …and more!
Wish to begin. Your journey into whole-body health? Stop by our care facility at #130 8700 – 200 Street in Langley, or call 604 371 3939 to discuss our treatments.
Dr. Mitch Spooner
New Patient of Chiropractic Care or Massage Therapy? Here’s What You Should Know