Why Investing in Custom Orthotics Could Transform Your Summer Activities

As a community holistic care centre, Willoughby Family Chiropractic Clinic is here to assist you with a variety of services – including Custom OrthoticsSuch custom treatments and services can often lead to a complete shift in a person’s health, and with summer just around the corner, we want to help you prepare!

Transform Your Summer Activities With Custom Orthotics

Custom Orthotics

Investing in orthotics can indeed have a transformative impact on your summer activities. Here are some of the reasons why:

Enhanced Foot Support

Custom orthotics are specifically tailored to your feet, taking into account factors such as arch type, foot shape, and any existing foot conditions. By providing proper support to your feet, orthotics can help distribute your weight more evenly, reduce excessive pressure on certain areas, and minimize discomfort. Whether you’re walking, hiking, playing sports, or simply strolling on the beach, the enhanced foot support from orthotics can alleviate pain and prevent foot fatigue.

Alleviation of Foot Conditions

If you have specific foot conditions like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, high arches, or bunions, orthotics can offer targeted relief. These conditions can cause pain and discomfort, making it challenging to enjoy summer activities fully. Orthotics can provide cushioning, shock absorption, and gentle realignment, alleviating the symptoms associated with these foot conditions.

Increased Performance

Whether you’re an athlete or simply enjoy staying active, orthotics can enhance your performance during summer activities. By improving foot support, alignment, and stability, orthotics can optimize your biomechanics and maximize energy transfer.

Versatility and Adaptability

Orthotics can be designed to fit various types of footwear. This includes sandals, sneakers, hiking boots, or casual shoes. They can be easily transferred from one pair to another, providing consistent support across different summer activities.

Custom orthotics can truly have a transformative effect on your summer activities – and Willoughby Chiropractic can help!

Allow Willoughby Chiropractic to Help With Your Custom Orthotics

Learn more about the partnership we have with our custom orthotics provider – the Vancouver based Kiwi Orthotics. Or stop by our office at#130 8700 – 200 Street in Langley to discuss how we can help you with your whole-body care this upcoming summer!


Dr. Mitch Spooner