Massage therapy is often thought of as a treatment for relaxation. And although there is truth to that, it can also be a pivotal part to your chiropractic treatments. In this blog post, we want to discuss why!
Why Adding Massage Therapy Into Your Chiropractic Treatments is Beneficial
If you’re already receiving chiropractic care, adding massage therapy to your treatment plan can significantly enhance your results.
While chiropractic adjustments focus on spinal alignment and nervous system function, massage therapy works to release muscle tension and improve circulation. Together, they create a powerful combination that supports whole-body healing and long-term wellness.
Here’s why …
Muscle Relaxation = Enhanced Adjustments
Muscle tightness and tension can make it difficult for chiropractic adjustments to be fully effective. Massage therapy helps relax muscles before or after an adjustment, allowing your spine to move more freely. This can improve the overall effectiveness of your treatment.
Speeds Up Your Healing Time
Both chiropractic care and massage support the body’s natural healing processes. Massage increases blood flow to injured or strained areas, while chiropractic adjustments help restore proper nerve function. When combined, they can speed up recovery from injuries and chronic pain conditions.
Reduces Inflammation & Alleviates Pain
Massage therapy will loosen tight muscles and break up adhesions, making it easier for your body to maintain proper posture and movement patterns after a chiropractic adjustment.
In addition, it will help to reduce inflammation by stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage, while chiropractic adjustments relieve pressure on nerves. Together, they offer a comprehensive approach to pain management.
Seeking Massage Therapy in Langley? We Can Help!

If you have been seeking massage therapy in Langley – we can help And as discussed on our service page, it can help with a variety of concerns, including:
- Pregnancy related issues (sciatica, breathing issues, stress reduction)
- Digestive complaints such as constipation
- Scar treatment (surgical, post mastectomy)
- Low back pain
- Neck and Shoulder pain
- Headaches and Migraines, including TMJD
- Nerve conditions such as carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatica
- Motor vehicle accident related injuries; whiplash
- Stress relief
- Sprains/strains
- Frozen shoulder
- Chronic work related or postural pain
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Sports injuries
If you’re interested in integrating massage into your chiropractic care plan, contact us t, Willoughby Family Chiropractic to book an appointment. We are more than happy to help our community achieve the results they desire and deserve!
Dr. Mitch Spooner
PS. Be sure to check out our previous post on the: 3 Ways Our Langley Chiropractic Services Can Help Put a Spring in Your Step