Family Chiropractors are sometimes overlooked when it comes to the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve. From the simple reality that most individuals have to be introduced to our health practices in order to understand them, and there is not a lot of focus placed on the health-practices of chiropractors in mainstream sectors.
But year over year, this is changing – and our Willoughby Family Chiropractic care facility aims to help our community better understand the benefits of chiropractic care for their whole-body health.
Family Chiropractors in Langley

Being hyper conscious of sickness has become the pinnacle of our existence in the past 2-years. But we want to change that for you, helping reshape your thoughts from sickness to whole-body health, and how that can be achieved.
Starting with pregnancy care and leading into pediatric care, incorporating chiropractic care with massage therapy and custom orthotics through our partner with Kiwi Orthotics – or taking any single one of these practices in care as an individualized way to achieve a balanced lifestyle.
Our goal is to not only see you walk out of or office in better condition than you arrived; but to provide you with the knowledge and tools to take home with you to maintain that health.
Providing Whole-Body Health for the Entire Community
At our Willoughby chiropractor’s office – we approach your whole-body health from a place of solving the problem; not masking it with medication to manage pain. Rather, we want to get to the root of the problem and truly solve it for you.
Admittedly, it’s not a great business model to try and ‘get rid of’ of patients and help them achieve optimal health. But we believe it’s part of our ethical practice of truly caring for those who enter our doors – to lead them on a journey of ultimate wellness.
Our whole-body approach seeks to find the underlying cause of disease and discomfort. We don’t merely treat the symptom, but seek to uncover the origin of the pain – even as far back as childbirth or childhood trauma, both emotional or physical. We then work on bringing you back to full alignment. where your body and mind can find its highest form of total body health – as intended!
Curious to know more about us? Click to view any one of our following services …
Willoughby Family Chiropractic Clinic is here to empower our patients, assisting them in better understanding how their body functions, and how it can function optimally through a variety of health-conscious practices they can include in their daily lives.
If you are ready to begin this journey with us, feel free to stop by and say hello. We are right in the heart of Willoughby alongside Starbucks at 200th and 86th Avenue in Langley, and look forward to assisting in your whole-body health!
Dr. Mitch Spooner