Chiropractors in Langley: Alleviate the Discomfort of ‘Desk Duty’ With Our Help

Whether at school or at work – spending long days enduring ‘desk duty’ can create a multitude of neck, spine and lower back concerns. All of which our Chiropractors in Langley can help with.

As mentioned in our blog post Willoughby Family Chiropractic: Understanding the Role Posture Plays in Spine Health

We want to see you thrive throughout every stage in life and within any lifestyle choices. From proper gardening posture to rigorous sporting activities – and everything in-between, we’re here to help you correct course or maintain your health throughout every season of life!

From helping our patients understand better techniques to the daily reality of sitting, to assisting them in correcting years of chronic pain; our team of Chiropractors are here to assist our community in optimal health at every age and stage of life.

Poor Posture & Your Health

When it comes to working a desk job or attending school, avoiding sitting for lengthy periods of time can be difficult. And such long periods of sitting can lead to tight muscles,  which then cause headaches, shoulder pain and fatigue. In addition, long periods of sitting can cause leg, arm and upper back strain – among other ailments.

Regular chiropractor treatments can help you or your youth manage the collective effects of desk duty, and address such things as:

–       Reducing Pain

–       Improving Posture

–       Root Cause of Headaches

–       Enhancing Focus and Productivity

Addressing a person’s physical health can massively help with mental health. We believe that preventative care is the best medicine of all, but if that has not been a possibility – then corrective care is your next best approach to regaining and maintaining whole-body health. Which our Chiropractors in Langley are here to help you with!

Chiropractors in Langley

Curious about our team of healthcare providers? We’re not shy …check us out on our ABOUT US page…






Whether seeking chiropractic care or massage therapy – ourWilloughby Family Chiropractic Clinic is here to help and incredibly happy to do so!


Dr. Mitch Spooner

PS. Want to learn about a standing desk for your employees or home office? Check out what AnthroDesk has to say about ‘What Do Chiropractors Say About Standing Desks?’.