As a Chiropractic and Massage Clinic in Langley, we love seeing people live in their whole-body health. From mental wellbeing to the physical wellness and beyond; our overarching goal is to help our community optimize their health through Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy and Orthotics.
Which brings me to ‘sharing the love’ for our newest massage therapy graduate – Miah!
Massage Therapy in Langley: Meet Miah!

Miah is a recent graduate of the West Coast College of Massage Therapy; she is a compassionate person with a focus in patient care and physical rehabilitation. Miah incorporates a wide range of manual therapy techniques, some of which are General Swedish Massage, Joint Mobilization, and Myofascial Release. Miah has a focus in orthopedic, neurological, and systemic conditions, with experience treating patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, TMJ dysfunction, Fibromyalgia, as well as various forms of postural dysfunction and muscular imbalances.
We are thrilled to have her as part of our health-oriented team!
A small mention worth noting also: although Miah has successfully graduated and received her official diploma, she is waiting to write the provincial board examinations. Due to this, her massage treatments are not currently covered by insurance, ICBC or Work Safe. BUT, she is accepting new patients as a body worker at a rate of $65 for a 1-hour appointment.
This provides an excellent opportunity for those who, perhaps, don’t have coverage – to enjoy the handiwork of a skilled massage therapists. Then, if you so choose, to continue a therapeutic relationship once she is registered in the spring of 2022!
Curious about our other services @ Willoughby Chiropractic & Massage Therapy in Langley? Click to learn more…
Also, feel free to take a look here to see what our community involvement has included – and check back as we continue to look for ways to make a difference among the people we serve!
Curious about investing in Massage Therapy in Langley or chiropractic treatments for your whole-body care? Read how we encourage that here, or book your appointment here at any time.
February is the month of love, and we look forward to sharing our love and support with our community – as with every day of the year!
Dr. Mitch Spooner