In BC, extended medical health plans reset each year – as of January 1st. Although it would be amazing if unused benefits transitioned over into the New Year, they simply don’t. Making the remainder of November and December an important time to schedule your chiropractic and massage treatments so your chiropractic benefits don’t go to waste. Willoughby Family Chiropractic Clinic is here for that!
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Chiropractic Benefits Go to Waste

There is value in making the most of your health benefits, which we want to explain. These include:
You Health Can Worsen Unexpectedly
Proactive care is preventative care. Whether addressing back pain, neck pain, tension headaches – and beyond, chiropractic care and massage can help.
Because health can worsen unexpectedly, preventative care can mitigate future complications.
Unexpected Job Loss = Health Benefits Loss
Unfortunately, some people may experience an unexpected job loss. With this, also comes the loss of extended health coverage.
Using all of your benefits each year in the areas that apply to you, matter to both your health and your bottom dollar.
Ending the Year in Good Health
Regular chiropractic care can improve your overall health and reduce stress – ensuring you end the year in optimal function.
End-of-Season or Pre-Season Athletic Care
As discussed in our previous blog; The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Adjustments for Athletes, there are many benefits that athletes can gain from utilizing their healthcare plan. These include:
· Increased Range of Motion
· Injury Prevention
· Improved Recovery Time
· Enhanced Athletic Performance
· Drug-Free Pain Relief
We encourage you to prioritize your health and get the care you need before the New Year, utilizing your soon to expire health benefits for all of the above reasons.
Also, if you are in need of foot support and are interested in getting your own pair of custom orthotics, feel free to ask us about our Orthotics partnership.
We’re here to help in any way we can. Visit us at #130 – 8700 200th Street in Langley, or feel free to call with any questions you might have at604 371 3939.
Dr. Mitch Spooner