Maximize Your Health Benefits This Fall with Chiropractic Care & Massage

With the year coming to a close much more quickly than most of us thought possible; now is a great time to maximize your health benefits – in more ways than one. Both with benefitting your health through chiropractic care and massage therapy, as well as technically maximizing your health benefits that your provider offers.

Whether you have a handful of unused chiropractor visits, or you have yet to utilize any of your massage benefits this year – our Willoughby Family Chiropractic centre provides both Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care – which work wonderfully in tandem.

Spend What You Earn with Chiropractic Treatments in Langley

You earn your benefits each and every year through your place of employment, so “spending them” them on your health and wellness before the year’s end just makes sense.

A lot of plans have a deductible attached to them, which mean you will need to pay for a portion of your visits once your plan renews in January. So, before you plan resets, take the time for a personal reset through realigning your spine, or relaxing within a massage treatment. Both offer many benefits – and we’re here to provide those to you!

Benefits of Chiropractic Care & Massage

Perhaps you struggle with chronic headaches, or work long hours hunched over a desk – both chiropractic care and massage can aid in helping to relieve tension that leads to headaches, or posture issues that can lead to tight muscles and even add to the symptoms of stress.

Relief is always a welcome idea, and at Willoughby Family Chiropractic, we want you to benefit from – well, your benefits! Feeling good and having proper posture will help you feel more relaxed and increase your energy and overall wellbeing.

We understand the importance of routine chiropractic care and the benefits of massage therapy in Langley, and here to maximize your health benefits that you are entitled to this fall.

If you have specific questions regarding your medical plan or our Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care, feel free to contact me for further information, or book your appointment here at any time.

I look forward to seeing you at our Willoughby Family Chiropractic Clinic soon!


Dr. Mitch Spooner